How to take stonebreaker tea

How to take stonebreaker tea

To make Stonebreaker tea, add 4 heaped teaspoons of the herb to 1 litre of water. When water starts to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Allow to cool down and filter. Take 4 cups per day, Ideally on an empty stomach or 1 hour before food or 2 hours after food.


How much Stonebreaker tea should you take?

For urgent and immediate use: Take 3-4 cups of tea per day.

For maintenance: Take one cup of tea once or twice daily on an empty stomach 5 or 6 days a week.


How long does a box of Primal Nature’s Stonebreaker tea last?

1 box of Primal Nature’s Stone Breaker tea 100g lasts about 20 days.

There is no set time and depending on the severity of your symptoms you can take it on a more ongoing basis. Our experience has been that people obtain best results at 4-8 weeks.


 What else can I do to enhance this process? 

Studies have shown that drinking lemon juice daily with the tea is also helpful, particularly for kidney stones. We also recommend eating a healthy diet. Drinking the tea in the morning on an empty stomach can also be beneficial.


Stonebreaker herb side effects:

There is no known overdose limit for supplementing Stonebreaker. It has no known side-effects when taken on it’s own, using traditional dosage. The risks of experiencing side effects are increased when too much of the herb is taken. For more information on side effects of Stone breaker, you can visit


Who should not take Stonebreaker tea?

Stonebreaker should not be used in children, by pregnant and lactating women, because it has properties that cross the placenta and can also pass through breast milk changing its flavour.



Please remember, the information is for your assistance and we are not giving health advice. If you are in doubt, We recommend you see a qualified, naturopath or herbalist for a personal evaluation.




Primal nature's stonebreaker tea 100g